"YPro to CEO: Thriving as a Young Professional" 2013
. Please Note --> This is a Past Event!! .

Date: 9/25/2013
Time: 7:30 AM TO 1:00 PM

222 E Superior St
Duluth, MN 55802

(218) 722-5501

Event Description:

YPro to CEO: Thriving as a Young Professional
The Fuse Duluth Young Professionals Summit

Fuse Duluth is committed to providing educational and professional development opportunities to our community’s young professional population. In pursuit of this goal, we are excited to bring you our second annual half-day young professional summit, “YPro to CEO: Thriving as a Young Professional!"


8 - 8:45 

"Brains at Work: Let's Put Our Heads Together"
 Presented by Lyle Wildes 

9 - 9:45 

“The Brand Called You”
 Presented by Jen Bertsch 

10 - 10:45


"Get Involved"
 Presented by Crystal Taylor, Rob Karwath, Phil Strom, and Lisa Pratt of Rotary Club 25

"Advancing Financially as You Do Professionally"
 Presented by Park State Bank

11 - 11:45 

"Words from the Wise
 Panel featuring  Jen Bertsch and Crystal Taylor 

12 - 1:00

"No Slurping Allowed: Dining Do's and Don'ts"
Business Etiquette Luncheon presented by Jax Eisenmann 
 Three-course meal from Greysolon Ballroom by Black Woods. 

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Park State Bank

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