Leadership Duluth Turkey Drive
. Please Note --> This is a Past Event!! .

Date: 11/1/2016 TO 11/30/2016
Time: 8:00 AM TO 5:00 PM

(218) 722-5501

Event Description:

November is among us and the excitement of the holiday season is beginning to fill our heads. Our family and friends have begun to reach out to assign menu items for the grand family feast. None will likely think too much about how they will provide for the traditional Thanksgiving meal. We are blessed in many ways; ample food on the table is certainly among those blessings.

For the past five years Leadership Duluth class members, have provided Thanksgiving turkeys to hundreds of families who otherwise might go without. This year we are asking for the community’s help in stocking the shelves of the CHUM Food Shelf to ensure all families have the opportunity to give thanks and provide a meal for their loved ones. 

Please help the Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce and the Leadership Duluth program continue this tradition by providing a turkey or cash donation this holiday season.

1 Turkey=$18, up the quantity if you wish to donate more. Thank you!

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